Emergency cash needs the loan amount may be transferred to your bank account within one day. Bank transfers are the best and fastest way to get instant transfers but some banks charge some fees for the same day transfers. This amount will be deducted from your loan amount. Let’s say you request for $500 loan and your request is approved at the time of transfer you will get less money from the $500 this due to the wire transfer fees that your bank charge you.

We know some banks that do not provide same-day transfer service so we advise you to ask your bank about their wire transfer policy.

Remember bank wire can only be done on business days from Monday to Friday.

You can also give us your valid mobile wallet account to get money in your mobile account. Choose this option if your bank does not provide same day transfers. Mobile wallet transfers will be done on any day from Sunday to Saturday (7 days a week).


Standard loan request will go smoothly and after approval, you will get money in your bank on the next business day. If you make a request on Friday will you get the money in your account on the upcoming business day that is Monday? Banks do not operate any transactions on weekends.

Some people ask s about the 1-hour loan this is theoretically possible but not practically. Lenders must need to confirm the identification of borrower and they also check their credit history in some cases they check their financial records (bank statements). they confirm with the bank that everything given is issued by the bank and is correct information this takes time. So if you apply in the evening you will get money the next morning.

In some rare cases, we see borrower apply in the early morning and get money in the account later the day. But this also depends upon the wire transfer policy of your bank.